A support association establishes a school gohar 07:24 0 Dedicated parents have joined together to form a primary school with a focus on sustainable education (learning learning, strength-based...
Self-awareness and environmental awareness in a project gohar 07:23 0 In the school for the mentally impaired together in Wefensleben (Saxony-Anhalt), the pupil's company to-na-flor inspires all childre...
"Practice forms" - The school bees gohar 07:22 0 With the Hüttenhonig project - of course, from here, the pupils of the Realschule Georgsmarienhütte in Lower Saxony learn the attitude a...
What you can learn from Donald Trump about studying - and what is not gohar 06:07 0 I'm not a Trump fan - and I probably will not. After I found his candidacy amusing, the election Trumps to the President of Amer...
"Michel-, Moschee- and Hindute-Stamp-Discoverer" gohar 05:57 0 Discovering children with and without cursing As part of the "People Strengthening People" sponsorship program, the Foundatio...
Young people shape the future! gohar 06:32 0 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is co-determined and shaped by youth. Children and young people are discussing their future...
Inclusion is a question of attitude gohar 06:32 0 As it is to be a mother, Julia Latscha has presented herself quite differently. Because of an oxygen deficiency under the birth, her daught...
Inclusion is a question of attitude gohar 06:31 0 Julia Latscha calls for a change in society: complaining about the difficulties of inclusion is loud, she notes. But the problem is not ...
Foundation education promotes ... Yoga for the children of the Fanny-Hensel-Grundschule gohar 06:30 0 Since September 2016, the Fanny-Hensel-Grundschule in Berlin-Kreuzberg, together with TURIYA-Yoga-Berlin, offers weekly 45 minutes of yo...
On Mondays to the DaZ Island - sponsorship program of the foundation education gohar 06:29 0 Main task: talking, talking and discussing The text comes from Katja Förster. She is a teacher at Bismarckschule Elmshorn At the Bism...
Silver medal for sponsoring associations - ZiviZ-Survey 2017 gohar 06:28 0 Growing education The growing education management in Germany is reflected in the figures of the ZiviZ-Surveys 2017 just released. Seco...
Sponsorships create friendships gohar 06:28 0 Impressive effects of the engagement for people with cursing Since 2016, the Education Foundation has been involved in the Federal Prog...
Throw away? No thanks! Young people set up repair cafes ... Foundation education promotes gohar 06:27 0 A workshop in which old things are almost as new again The school IGS Kreyenbrück in Oldenburg is probably one of the best teaching sub...
Annual report 2016 of the foundation education online gohar 06:26 0 Annual Report, Idea and Action '. The 2016 Annual Report of the Stiftung Bildung provides information on the activities of the Foundat...
On the Reeperbahn at noon at half past ... gohar 06:25 0 University Godmothers and godparents explore Hamburg together The text is by Ulrike Kompch. She is a teacher at the Cato Bontjes van B...