Young people shape the future!
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is co-determined and shaped by youth.
Children and young people are discussing their future in a variety of ways. They ask themselves questions such as: In what kind of world do I want to live? What can I do with others? What impact has my actions on the world - the present and the future?
For many, education for sustainable development (ESD) is not a term, but for most, sustainability is very important in this context.
Young people still have the bulk of their lives. They will live in the future we are building today. Therefore, their role is so central in shaping this future and in the development of processes of sustainable development, their co-determination is elementary.
The youth participation team for ESD donation, the youboX, supports the young people in participating and developing their ideas. Together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the youboX is launching a youth participation process for ESD. It creates participation areas and formats for the commitment of young people.
In September 2017, the youboX invites you to a kick-off event. Here, the youth participation process starts with a group of more than 100 different young people from different parts of Germany.
The goals of the youboX are that young people ...
The topic of education for sustainable development (ESD),
Their ideas on ESD in politics and the public,
Actively participate in shaping and shaping their future
Develop and implement own ESD projects.
For this purpose, ...
Two youth CampsyoucoN with 125 participants * performed in,
The YouthForumyoupaN was founded and supported by the organization of its own events and opinions,
Nationwide various training courses for young people,
BNE Peertrainer * internally trained,
GNI projects
A project advisory board.
The youboX team consists of Dilan Aytac, Julian Knop and Christoph Pennig. They bring their many years of experience in the design and implementation of youth participation programs. For Dilan, the team leader of the youboX, a change of society is important for a successful transformation process towards education for sustainable development. She says: "To learn, to give them a voice with young people and to open and open jointly for them and with them, we understand the team of the youboX as the shared responsibility of everyone in our educational landscape."
Contact the team:
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Children and young people are discussing their future in a variety of ways. They ask themselves questions such as: In what kind of world do I want to live? What can I do with others? What impact has my actions on the world - the present and the future?
For many, education for sustainable development (ESD) is not a term, but for most, sustainability is very important in this context.
Young people still have the bulk of their lives. They will live in the future we are building today. Therefore, their role is so central in shaping this future and in the development of processes of sustainable development, their co-determination is elementary.
The youth participation team for ESD donation, the youboX, supports the young people in participating and developing their ideas. Together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the youboX is launching a youth participation process for ESD. It creates participation areas and formats for the commitment of young people.
In September 2017, the youboX invites you to a kick-off event. Here, the youth participation process starts with a group of more than 100 different young people from different parts of Germany.
The goals of the youboX are that young people ...
The topic of education for sustainable development (ESD),
Their ideas on ESD in politics and the public,
Actively participate in shaping and shaping their future
Develop and implement own ESD projects.
For this purpose, ...
Two youth CampsyoucoN with 125 participants * performed in,
The YouthForumyoupaN was founded and supported by the organization of its own events and opinions,
Nationwide various training courses for young people,
BNE Peertrainer * internally trained,
GNI projects
A project advisory board.
The youboX team consists of Dilan Aytac, Julian Knop and Christoph Pennig. They bring their many years of experience in the design and implementation of youth participation programs. For Dilan, the team leader of the youboX, a change of society is important for a successful transformation process towards education for sustainable development. She says: "To learn, to give them a voice with young people and to open and open jointly for them and with them, we understand the team of the youboX as the shared responsibility of everyone in our educational landscape."
Contact the team:
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