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Inclusion is a question of attitude

As it is to be a mother, Julia Latscha has presented herself quite differently. Because of an oxygen deficiency under the birth, her daughter Lotte was born fourteen years ago with a severe multiple disability.
Normal. Normality. What is that? In her book "Lauthalsleben", the Berlin author and the founder of the "Bildungsbildung" describes how deeply sad and then again very funny the everyday life with her daughter. It is not just about power-consuming nights full of roar, the daily ravages and tough discussions with offices, the book also deals with the unique and wonderful moments of their common life. When the family makes a trip through Mongolia despite the wheelchair. When Lotte dances and is cheerful and enjoys life loudly. Or a special computer could finally enable it to communicate differently with Lotte.

"Much in our society still has to be dreamed and then become a reality. For example, the special thing is particularly normal, "writes Julia Latscha at the end of her book. Since 2008, Lotte has been visiting a school. In 2009, the UN Disability Equality Convention entered into force. Since then, every child with disability has the right to attend a regular school at the same time. The necessary support must be provided.
"Inclusion is often only possible when individuals are making extraordinary efforts. Joint responsibility should be the slogan for an active rethinking and transformation of society, "says Julia Latscha.

Text: Benita Schauer, honorary office at the Stiftung Bildung

The book by Julia Latscha, "Lauthals live. From Lotte, the otherness and my search for a common world, "has been published by Knaur and is available in all bookings. (ISBN 978-3-426-21413-8)

The author can be requested for readings. Further information and current reading dates at www.julialatscha.de

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