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"Michel-, Moschee- and Hindute-Stamp-Discoverer"


Discovering children with and without cursing
As part of the "People Strengthening People" sponsorship program, the Foundation promotes encounters between children and adolescents with and without cursing. Here, the participants tell about their experiences and experiences from the Tandemalltag.

There is much to discover in Hamburg. This is confirmed by the children of class 4a of the day school Kerschensteinerstraße from Hamburg. As soon as the sponsors went off, the joint excursions through the Hansestadt an der Alster began. The teachers Stefanie Geffers & Stefanie Hernandez "summarize the small and big adventures from the sponsorships of the children.

Classes 4a and the International Preparatory Class 3/4 of the school Kerschensteinerstraße in Hamburg were able to carry out a great sponsorship project in the school year 2016/2017. Together, the students of both classes discovered their partly new hometown of Hamburg and the surrounding area, in which they exchanged views, overcame language barriers, and finally made some friendships.

For example, the pupils became "Michel-, Moschee und Hindutempelentdeckern" in Hamburg's past, where they were taught in the school museum, as in Emperor's time or in the Freilichtmuseum Brot under medieval conditions. In addition, the pupils read pirate stories at selected locations in the port of Hamburg, enjoyed the animals of the Wildpark Schwarze Berge, made the airport in Hamburg unsafe and raced right in the Heidepark-Soltau.
The sponsorship program of the Stiftung Bildung is part of the Federal Program "People Strengthen People" of the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). Photo: Archive Foundation Education.

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