A support association establishes a school gohar 07:24 0 Dedicated parents have joined together to form a primary school with a focus on sustainable education (learning learning, strength-based...
Self-awareness and environmental awareness in a project gohar 07:23 0 In the school for the mentally impaired together in Wefensleben (Saxony-Anhalt), the pupil's company to-na-flor inspires all childre...
"Practice forms" - The school bees gohar 07:22 0 With the Hüttenhonig project - of course, from here, the pupils of the Realschule Georgsmarienhütte in Lower Saxony learn the attitude a...
What you can learn from Donald Trump about studying - and what is not gohar 06:07 0 I'm not a Trump fan - and I probably will not. After I found his candidacy amusing, the election Trumps to the President of Amer...
"Michel-, Moschee- and Hindute-Stamp-Discoverer" gohar 05:57 0 Discovering children with and without cursing As part of the "People Strengthening People" sponsorship program, the Foundatio...
Young people shape the future! gohar 06:32 0 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is co-determined and shaped by youth. Children and young people are discussing their future...
Inclusion is a question of attitude gohar 06:32 0 As it is to be a mother, Julia Latscha has presented herself quite differently. Because of an oxygen deficiency under the birth, her daught...